I'm sure THIS little project raised a few teacher eyebrows in The Girl's art class...
Someday, she'll realize that you don't ALWAYS need two people, especially if you have electronic aids and a Costco-sized sheaf of replacement batteries.
On the other hand..I'm not sure exactly what these "love box" items are, and I'm afraid to ask, in the event that she's been going through my drawers again and I have to answer some, uh, 'probing' questions. It helps to have a little something something to loosen things up and put you in the mood. Or to get you drunk enough where you can just lie back and think of the mother country.
When I was in high school, the boys thought "Drakkar Noir" cologne served that function. I need to explain to her that Love Pills are not recommended unless you are some sort of pervert who also happens to have a good defense lawyer.
And that, my friends, is how the magic happens in our homestead.
They are probably going to suggest that you might want to wait until the kids go to bed!
This is brilliant stuff.
Bwaaaaaaah! That is hysterical! You have got to hand it to the Girl, though. She thought of absolutely everything! So cute.
I'd love to hear her own explanations about the drawings... if you were able to work up the courage to inquire!
Man, it has got to be SO AWESOME to be a grade-school art teacher. The HILARITY! LOVE WINE!
So funny.
Wow! I think I have all of those things at my house, except the machine, where might I get one of those?
I'd love an explanation of the items in the love box!
Love wine that looks like a suicide slush is the best for getting in the mood. I think my oldest son is the result of a cherry/orange blend. You can get it on the cheap at Kum & Go.
I hope this is tucked away for a future wedding gift!
What the-
what the-
Gear for Love?
What... what... what inspired that? Was that an assigned project. So far, this blog, in its first three posts, is hysterical.
Children are so very random and amazing.
I um... I like your kids so far.
They seem like badasses, too!
OMG incredible!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should open your own shop, bet you have all the best "goods."
Be sure to save this so that she can take it with her when she enters therapy. It will explain a lot.
One of my kids' kindergarten teachers had a little note up in her room that said, "If you don't believe everything your kids tell you about me, I won't believe everything your kids tell me about you."
I wonder if I should hold my daughter back from kindergarten after that. Or maybe I should home school? My first love wore Drakkar!!!
Oh my gosh, that's hysterical!
I really wanna know what the things in the love box are... can you ask?
Keep this. Forever!
To me, it looks like the "Love Box" items are a heart-shaped pepperoni pizza (delicious!), massage oil with a spigot dispenser, and a planter bra in which you're growing hay and herbs. Très lovey dovey!
Featured on Good Mom/Bad Mom on the Houston Chronicle.
OMG. This is so funny.
LOL!! Is that last picture of an Espresso/Capuccino machine?? Yes, that would be a love device, but how would a child know that???? Great stuff!
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